February 21, 2025 07:13
The updated universal model of the assembly improves the text -to -text accuracy and speed of English, German and Spanish that solves major business application demands.
Assembly announced that it has greatly improved the universal SPEECH-to-TEXT model that focuses on improving the performance of three important languages in English, German and Spanish. According to the assembly, these upgrades are aimed at resolving major business needs by capturing important details, such as appropriate nouns, ethnic numbers and forms that are essential for dialogue intelligence applications.
Performance and speed improvement
The latest update for the University model boasts a speed of 27.4%in the reasoning time, enabling faster warriors depending on the scale. This improvement is particularly helpful for business applications that require fast and accurate voice text conversion. The improvement of the model for the release of the October 2024 release includes better waiting time, accuracy and language application, ahead of the main models of these language markets.
Real problem solving
The improvement of the model of the assembly is beyond the standard benchmark by solving the “last mile” problem in voice recognition. These tasks include capturing and forming important entities such as name and email addresses than existing solutions, which are important for applications such as accurate solutions and customer services than conventional solutions. This model shows an improved 5% improvement by 12.5% improvement of proper noun accuracy and handling English speeches with accents.
Applications and use cases
Development of general -purpose models provides strong support for various actual applications. For example, the contact center benefits from the ability of the model to accurately capture the caller information such as phone number and email address. Similarly, sales coaching applications can use the improved noun accuracy of the model to accurately capture the name, company and product mentions that are essential for analyzing customer interactions and tracking brand awareness.
Use of general purpose models
The user can access the updated universal model through the assembly’s playground or API. This model supports automatic language detection and can be integrated into the application using various SDKs, including Python. Through these features, developers can use the functions of models for various applications to ensure high -quality voice -to -text conversion in various languages and contexts.
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