Rebecca Moen
25 Sep 2024 05:04
In this article, we take a closer look at the role of binary fields in SNARKs, highlighting their effectiveness in cryptographic operations and their potential for future development.
Binary fields have long been the cornerstone of cryptography, providing efficient operations on digital systems. The importance of binary fields has grown with the development of SNARKs (Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), which utilize fields for complex computations and proofs. According to, recent trends focus on reducing the field size of SNARKs to increase efficiency, using structures such as Mersenne Prime fields.
Understanding the Field of Cryptography
In cryptography, a field is a mathematical construct that allows basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) within a set of numbers, and follows certain rules, such as commutativeness, associativity, and the existence of neutral elements and reciprocals. The simplest field used in cryptography is GF(2) or F2, which consists of only two elements: 0 and 1.
The importance of the field
Fields are essential for performing arithmetic operations to generate cryptographic keys. Infinite fields are possible, but computers operate within finite fields for efficiency, typically using 2^64 bit fields. Smaller fields are preferred for efficient arithmetic, and are consistent with our mental model of preferring manageable chunks of data.
SNARKs landscape
SNARKs are ideal for resource-constrained environments, as they verify the correctness of complex computations with minimal resources. There are two main types of SNARKs:
- Elliptic curve based: It is known for its very small proofs and constant time verification, but it may require a reliable setup and is slower to generate proofs.
- Hash-based (STARK): It relies on hash functions for security, requires larger proofs, is slower to verify, but faster to prove.
SNARK Performance Challenges
The performance bottleneck in SNARK operations often occurs in the commitment phase, which involves making a cryptographic commitment to the witness data. Binius solves this problem by using binary fields and arithmetic-friendly hash functions like Grostl, but introduces a new challenge in the vanishing argument phase.
SNARK on the smallest field
The current trend in cryptography research is to minimize the size of the field to reduce the embedding overhead. Initiatives such as Circle STARK and Starkware’s Stwo Prover now utilize Mersenne Prime fields for better CPU optimization. This approach is consistent with the natural human tendency to operate on smaller and more efficient fields.
Binary field of encryption
A binary field, denoted F(2^n), is a finite field with 2^n elements. It is fundamental to digital systems for encoding, processing, and transmitting data. Building SNARKs on binary fields is a novel approach introduced by Irreducible that takes advantage of the simplicity and efficiency of binary arithmetic.
Building a Binary Field Tower
Starting from the simplest binary field F2, we introduce new elements to construct larger fields, forming field towers: F2, F2^2, F2^4, etc. This structure allows efficient arithmetic operations over a wide range of field sizes, balancing security requirements with computational efficiency in cryptographic applications.
The future of binary fields
Binary fields have long been essential to cryptography, but their application in building SNARKs is a recent and promising development. As research progresses, binary field-based proof techniques are expected to show significant improvements, in line with the fundamental human tendency toward simplicity and efficiency.
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