Blockchain Oracle Service Chainlink has been unlocked by a quarterly token lock of $ 1/4 of $ 140 million for $ 1/4.
According to an obvious all chain analyst, EMBER CN, two Ethereum (ETH) transferred a link token to unlock and $ 12 million of $ 12 million in $ 222 million.
Among the tokens unlocked, EMBER CN said that a $ 220 million link was sent directly to Binance, the world’s largest encryption exchange. An additional $ 57 million link has been transferred to a separate multiple signature address.
Ember CN says.
“Every three months, ChainLink’s non -circular supply address will unlock about 100 million to 20 million links. Most of them are sent directly to binance and small parts are transmitted to 0xD50. 8AF address (links sent to this address are used to enter a link steaking reward distribution contract and distribute rewards to link steaking users).
Since 2022, about 166.5 million links ($ 1.88 billion) have been unlocked, and the average transfer price has been directly $ 11.06 through the above method.
The huge amount of links are unlocked and the quarterly flow is flowed to Binos, but whenever the link is sent to Bainy, it does not have a significant impact on the price of the link in the short term. ”
LockonChain, a blockchain tracking company, pointed out that the chain link went through 10 different locks before the latest token distribution, nine of them pointed out the links of the link.
At the time of writing, the link is trading at $ 14.02 and has fallen 73% from the highest ever.
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Main image: ShutterStock/TITHI LUADTHONG