Simple. If you don’t worry, others are not asset managers, not software, hardware wallets, or exchange. Therefore, you need to think about what you need to protect your encryption households and reduce the risk of delivering the encryption assets to your family or heir. Please make a encryption inheritance management plan today.
When you die, you will lose your encryption.
Unless you set up Crypto inheritance management today.
- Wallets are difficult to use Do not provide encryption inheritance management. In fact, most of them tell you not to actually use seed phrases for useless paper.
- Some people back up wallet seed phrases or private keys to local devices or clouds such as paper, hardware wallets, or USBS. All these options are as follows: Serious disadvantages from hacking to accidental loss and cloud service loss. No one wants that happens to the wealth of the encryption generation.
- Software wallets work Limited blockchainBut encryption can be over several block chains. In order for inheritance to work, you must be able to manage inheritance in all blockchains.
Vault12 is a pioneer of encryption inheritance management, and here, look at the description video.
What is the task of inheritance of encryption?
- I need the latest Wallet seed phrases and inventory of private key. Like everything you want to inherit, you must provide a list of lawyers. But it is easy for people to buy encryption regularly in other blockchains and support the details. If the seed stationery is not backed up, the asset cannot be delivered to the heir.
- You must guarantee Personal information of all information It is related to seed phrases and personal keys. When you write or engrave things on a paper or to keep it on a device like USBS, you don’t know who can access it without anyone’s knowledge. This risk should not be ignored because an account can be drained.
- You must remove it An important point of failure-Personal devices and cloud services. The most important risk in inheritance can be stolen, lost or damaged by dependence on individual devices. The second danger is dependence on one or more cloud servers. We’ve seen what happens when business relationships between cloud partners have failed, or business relationships between cloud services are caused by malware or wrong software updates.
Here, look at the description video.
Inherit: Prepare today.
Vault12 encryption inheritance This is the first pioneer solution that provides an easy safe way to assign legacy contact with the software wallet. This allows you to deliver wallet seed phrases and private keys to the future, including Bitcoin (BTC), Etherrium (ETH) and other cryptocurrencies.
This innovative dispersion The system can appoint a user or mobile device as follows: guardian. The designated guardian is delegated to protect the comprehensive wallet seed phrases and personal key collections of the user safely stored in the distributed digital safe.
This process often leads to violations of personal information protection by eliminating the need to relieve the failure point and to regularly modify the wallet inventory or to modify the guidelines for lawyers. This is the best way to preserve Generation.
See how it works here.
Take the first step and back up your software wallet.
Designed to use with existing hardware and software. Vault12 guard Cryptocurrency owners help back up wallet seed phrases and private keys (assets) without storing anything in the cloud or a single position. This increases protection and reduces the risk of loss.
Vault12 Guard App enables safe distributed backups and provides inheritance to all seed phrases and personal keys in all blockchains, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC-20 and other encryption wallets.
memo: If you are not familiar with Cryptocurrencies, Vault12 speaks wallet seed phrases and private keys as assets, encryption assets and digital assets. The main purpose of the safe is to protect Bitcoin (BTC) or Etherrium wallet seeds, private keys and other required data (protect the present and future generations.