We are happy to announce that Jailstool can be traded in Krake!
Funds and transactions
Jailstool transactions are vivid based on 17:00 UTC today on February 9, 2025.
To add assets to the Kraken account, explore the financing, select the assets, and press ‘Deposit’.
Deposit tokens to the network supported by KRAKEN. Deposits manufactured using other networks are lost.
please memo:
- If the liquidity conditions are met, transactions through the KRAKEN App and Instant Buy are available. (When a sufficient number of buyers and sellers enter the market to efficiently match the order)).
- Geographical limitations can be applied.
More information about this asset is as follows.
Stool (Jailstool)
Stool PRISONDENTE (Jailstool) is a community -oriented memes designed for fun and light participation in the encryption space. Congratulations on the crossover of Internet culture and unpredictable memes assets. Jailstool, which focuses on community participation and viral momentum, realizes Crypto’s ‘DeGen’ culture.
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Can Kraken use more assets?
yes! But our policy does not reveal the details until just before the launch. All tokens in Kraken can be found here, and all future tokens will be presented in the list roadmap and social media profile. Customer participation experts cannot answer questions about which assets they can use in the future.
This data is used only for general information purposes and is not recommended or recommended to purchase, sell, hold or hold investment advice or encryption. Kraken does not work to increase or lower the price of a specific password analyzer. Some encryption products and markets are regulated and other encryption products are not regulated. Nevertheless, Kraken does not need to be registered or in other ways to provide specific products and services to each market, and you may not be protected by government compensation and/or regulatory protection systems. Unpredictable characteristics of the cryptoasset market can lead to money loss. Taxes must obtain independent advice on the increase in value and/or taxes of cryptoassets. Geographical limitations can be applied. See the legal disclosure of each jurisdiction.