TL;DR (concentrated takeaways)A crypto wallet passphrase is an optional feature that can be used in addition to your seed phrase…
Lido Finance Simple Delegation allows LDO token holders to delegate their voting rights to another address and participate in on-chain…
TL;DRKeeping your crypto transactions private is important for your safety and confidentiality.Be very careful who you share personal or financial…
Plus Token Wallet Moves $63.1 Million in ETH After 3 Years of Dormant Some of the dormant funds that were…
TL;DR (concentrated takeaways)Crypto key management involves understanding and protecting your crypto wallet keys.Key management also includes protecting the various mechanisms…
Ronin Network Shuts Down Bridge Operations After $9.8 Million Breach According to the initial update, it is likely a white…
Welcome to NFT.New York!We’re excited to celebrate the incredible diversity and technological innovation of the NFT community. We wanted to…
Rhinestone is dedicated to turning smart accounts into an open platform for innovation. They aim to create a secure and…
Welcome to NFT.New York!We’ve talked about scenarios of why you should think about protecting your assets.Now let’s discuss how Vault12…
Convergence of decentralized governance hedge fund platforms has been leveraged. 58 million CVG tokens were issued and exchanged. After the…